Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick Play games

I recently took a group through a dungeon using a quick play rule set created by called The Adventurer's Tale. Setting up the PCs was quick and painless. Because we were just testing out the rule set I took the group through a generic dungeon, where they battled a troll, a ton of skeletons, a small clutch of rust monsters, and a baby dragon. As the GM I found it was a little tough to ballance the power of the monsters against the power of the PCs. Either the monsters were to weak and dropped like flies, or they were a tad to powerful. Perhaps some kind of Hit Dice system could be devised. All in all The short campaign was a real hit. And we will definitely be using this rule set again.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

While roaming around several different Wikis I happened upon RPG Net Wiki. Because it is a wiki RPG Net Wiki can act as database and forum. Go check it out and tell me what you think.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Axioms of RPG

It is quite difficult to game with people who have no respect for eachother. I have come across a wonderful document written by Calista called the Role Players Creed which outlines exceptable behavior between gamers. Check it out here:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monsters made easy

It's great fun killing orcs and dragons but what do you do when the party is ready to try their hand at killing something new? Why not make up a new monster race? Or better yet, why not let the computer randomly generate one for you! Check out this neat monster generator at

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Paperwork anyone?

One of the problems that I run up against allot as I am searching the internet for other Free Form Gamers like myself is that most people do their interactive storytelling on message boards. More often than not you have to create an account just to get on to the message board. I can see where this would be necessary in order to keep people from filling the boards up with useless spam, but what a nightmare! I'm going to have billion accounts when I'm done.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A whole new world

While scouring the web for FFRPG resources I found this wonderful little site full of goodies for GMs and Players alike:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Adventures in the land of Gamers

My purpose in starting this blog is to create a focal point for my love of Free Form RPG. It's part of who I am and more organized forms of RPG often get spotlighted in the media because of marketing, etc... while this very fun and very easy pastime/ socializing tool goes completely unnoticed by those who may benefit from it stress reducing properties.